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Showrooms available in Opava and newly also in Brno and Prague!

12.11.2013 | | Văzut: 33956x
Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Ostrožná ul.

We managed to combine online shopping with the real world! We present to you a project of wholesale showrooms that from March 1, 2016 can be found not only in Opava, but newly also in Brno and Prague.

We know how important it is for our customers to see certain goods in reality. Therefore, we opened a showroom in Opava, that is succesfully running for several years and recently we added two new locations.

For customers it provides a wide range of offered products, which is constantly being expanded and updated with the emphasis not only on new trends, but also particular needs and wishes.



Benefits for you:

  • we offer a completely new, modern retail space. There are computers, so you can comfortably create and send your order directly on the spot. Order is then subsequently processed at our central warehouse and shipped to you for free to your home address
  • orders sent through the showroom at Stoklasa Opava (Ostrožná Street), Brno (Česká str.) and Prague (Tesco Skalka) you will not pay a postage, regardless of the amount of the order
  • lace, braid, beads and thousands of other products you can see in person, you can touch everything available in the store and consult itwith our experts
  • benefits that match your registration at the e-shop, will be retained (for example VIP status)
  • orders are dispatched the same way as in the e-shop, with Czech-mail or DPD or you can pick your order up at any retail store Stoklasa


For registered customers is available online booking system, where you can make a reservation for your showroom visit. After logging into your Stoklasa account go to "My Account" and then "Schedule personal appointment".

Opening hours:

Showroom Opava, Ostrožná 23

Mo-Fri 9am - 6pm, Sat 9am - noon

Showroom Brno, Česká 141/31

Mo-Fri 9am - 7pm, Sat 9am - 13pm

Showroom Praha, Tesco Skalka, Přetlucká 3295/50

Mo-Sun 9am - 8pm



Showroom Opava, Ostrožná

Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Ostrožná ul.
Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Ostrožná ul.
Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Ostrožná ul. Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Ostrožná ul.


Showroom Brno, Česká 141/31

Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Brno
Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Brno
Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Brno Velkobchodní zóna Opava, Brno


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